Friday 13 November 2009

Britney down under...

So it seems that my lovely Britney has been having some slight trouble in my home country of Australia.

It is the first time the pop diva has traveled down under and there are varying reports on opposing ends of the spectrum. Either she is so boring that people are walking out and demanding their money back, or she is putting on a brilliant show and everyone is loving it.

Obviously... it comes down to taste...

Now I have spent a lot of my life defending Britney Spears. True, I have never met her and no, I don't know her personally. The wonderful thing about the worlds of art and celebrity combining are that it has the power to reach, touch and effect various people all in completely different and personal ways.

Britney does what she does very well. This doesn't include trying to keep up with todays vocal powerhouses. She isn't Mariah Carey, she isn't Beyonce and she is no Leona Lewis (and yes I deliberately kept Whitney Houston off that list). There is nothing about Britney that tries to emulate them. She is not a singer, and she doesn't necessarily try to be...

Yet, the biggest controversy seems to be though, that Australia is only just realising that... gasp... Britney Spears lip synchs!

And any singer will tell you, with doing what Britney does on stage, OF COURSE SHE LIPS!!! No one can dance and sing flawlessly at the same time. It just doesn't happen. Especially when we all know that Britney was never a particularly strong singer to begin with.

People want Britney because she puts on a show, and Circus proves to us that not many people know how to put on a show like Britney Spears (and a highly trained and paid staff) can. The more people acknowledge that people love her as a celebrity and as an entertainer and not a "singer" then the sooner we will all be able to get along...

Australia... you're getting a spectacle that you normally wouldn't get. The big shows so often miss Australia off the tour map for so many different reasons. Just let go and enjoy her... she is a pretty perfect version of what she is trying to be... and she really isn't trying to be anything more than what people want from her...

I need to make mistakes just to learn who I am...
- Britney Spears "Overprotected"

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