Saturday 23 January 2010

Musics New Royals...

Terms like Princess of Pop and King of Rock get thrown around so often these days, it's hard to keep up. With the untimely passing of Michael Jackson, without doubt the greatest performer of all time, who do the reigning royal family of music have to hand their thrones to once their melodies ultimately end up falling flat? More to the point, are they going to hand over their crowns willingly, or is this new breed of downloaded and iTunes crazed artists going to win the revolution no matter what?

The current crop of performing artists sitting at the top of the hierarchy (and on top of the charts) is a select group of people who have really managed to produce commercially viable music for the better part of a decade or longer. A string of hit albums and number one songs is essential to being able to wear and share the crowns.

In the female category we have the obvious diva's who can out sing and outsell almost anyone in Mariah Carey, Celine Dion, Barbara Streisand, Shania Twain and Whitney Houston. They share the top tier with performing powerhouses like Madonna, Janet Jackson and Britney Spears who between them all have notched over half a billion record sales world wide and sixty number one singles in the USA alone. Nipping at their heels are the likes of Alicia Keys, Beyonce, Pink, Kylie Minogue and Kelly Clarkson who have been consistantly selling and charting succesfully in several, if not all, of the major musical epicenters.

Michael Jackson, Usher, Eminem and Justin Timberlake sit pretty at the summit of most successful male artists. Male music royalty is something that seems to have thinned out much like Prince Edwards hair over the last decade. When we think of those male forces in music it's still the likes of Elvis, Frank Sinatra, Billy Joel, Elton John and Stevie Wonder that tend to pluck at our nostalgic heartstrings. This is possibly due to the boy band boom of the nineties and early 2000's with the Backstreet Boys, Westlife, N*Sync, Take That and so on. There were also many influential male singers who were actually the front men of hugely successful credible bands like Bon Jovi, Nirvana, Matchbox 20 and U2.

So who are the new rat pack? Who are the new kids on the block trying to twitter and overdyonce themselves into a long lasting career?

Lady Gaga

Miss Gaga is the kind of artist that people will look at in ten years time and say "what happened?" This is a classic example of going out too hard, too fast. With all her crazy costumes (yes little ones, they are costumes, not couture) and over the top staging, she is leaving her self little place to go. Where does one go after pumping blood all over themselves after wearing a full body red lace condom to their first Video Music Awards? However, she does have the chops in the writing department. She'll possibly move onto do some high profile producing or be a semi sought after 'featuring' artist, but whatever is flashing in her pan, is already starting to smell a bit stale.

Miley Cyrus

What's a Miley Cyrus, we hear you ask? Miley is the current poster girl for bubble gum pop. Although she has built a solid fan base with her Hannah Montana franchise, there is the overwhelming feeling that once Pappa Billy Ray gives her her first ATM card and access to her millions in two years time that we're gonna have another text book crazy child star on our hands. One or two public stints in re-hab, possibly a head shaving incident, an attempt at a deep personal album and then a fade into obscurity. At the end of the day she has very little talent which wont help her hold onto her Disney fans when they're all grown up. She could very well be the next girl to try and beat a car up with an umbrella.

Taylor Swift

Taylor Swift may actually have what it takes to stick around in this crazy industry. She burst on to the international scene just a year ago and doesn't seem to be losing any momentum. A swag of successful songs, the highest selling album of 2009, eight Grammy nominations and an upcoming feature in the star studded Valentine's Day. She stands apart from the rest due to her likability factor, her ability to fuse pop and country together so uniquely and ultimately her writing skills. As this twenty two year old matures, her lyrics will do the same. There's a distinct possibility that the best of this young lady is still to come.

Adam Lambert

Probably the most talked about and controversial member of the American Idol alumni, Lambert continues to be as enigmatic as a Bonnie Tyler music video. His debut single did cardiac arrest off the charts after his premier Video Music Award performance and his current one, a much more subdued ballad Whatya Want From Me is struggling to find airwaves. Whatya want from us, Adam? Do you want us to like, or dislike you, accept you or persecute you, take you seriously or mock you? It's all very unsure at the moment but one thing is for certain, this young man has a set of pipes unlike any we've really seen before. It would be a real shame for the music industry to lose him so early on. Now if GLAAD could just stop pushing him down our throats as a poster boy for equality, if he could stop pushing his tongue down throats on stage and if RCA Records would start pushing his album then maybe Adam will find his feet and become a welcomed act at any awards ceremony.


We don't know much about her yet, but she has made a Britneyesque entrance into the music scene. Tik Tok is a global number one song and her debut album Animal set female download records on the Billboard Charts. She seems to have the gumption and drive to succeed, if we are to believe the rumors of her breaking into Prince's house to leave him a demo and living it tough in LA with Katie Perry before they both got signed. She may just have the spirit, grit, and tenacity that has been missing for such a while. Or she could just be a one hit wonder and once she drops the dollar sign from her name for her second album she could be forgotten... it's a harsh business.

Susan Boyle

Seriously? Who actually bought this album? Has anyone actually ever seen anyone holding a copy in their hands or heard it playing a dinner party? Her I Dreamed A Dream album has sold in excess of six million copies world wide in just eight weeks , unprecedented for a female debut. BUT... who actually has it? Most likely the same people who buy Il Divo and Josh Grobans Christmas album. Does Susan have what it takes to go from court jester to queen of adult contemporary? Quite possibly. People forget the purse power of the 35-50 demographic and when they're touched by something they will purchase purchase purchase. They will buy for themselves, family, friends and work colleagues and this is why Susan Boyle and her eyebrows are probably here to stay. She will release a Christmas album next year which will go crazy and then another album of soppy covers after that and she will sell sell sell. She has tapped into her desperate housewife niche and she ain't going anywhere. Heck, maybe she deserves it. She'll never really be a royal... but she isn't hurting anyone... she can stay.


So Rihanna is hardly new in the game, she is already one of the most successful female artists of the century but is she a lifer? It seems the star is already starting to fizzle with her new album selling way under expectations and tour dates being cancelled due to... well, no one wanting to go. This is where it all starts unravelling when people get signed for their beauty and not for their talent. Rihanna has nothing new to bring to the table. She's not a singer like the diva's and she isn't a dancer like Jacksons, so what does she really have to offer except a pretty face? People have caught on and realised that her writers and producers are the talent and she is just the nasal voice and ever changing hairstyle. Rihanna will stick around, she'll continue wearing nice outfits and maybe have another catchy tune that will be a hit record one day but music royalty, she will never be.

Justin Bieber

Despite some very public Usher endorsements and a contract with Island DefJam, I have but two words... Aaron... Carter... that is all.


Ne-Yo seems to be an absolute shoe in for R&B's new poster boy. He's all the things we love about Usher, Babyface, P. Diddy and BoyZ II Men wrapped up in a slightly younger package. With some high profile collaborations with the likes of Mimi, Beyonce and even a rumored to-be-finished song with Michael Jackson on the way, the suave thirty year old is going from strength to strength. The demise of Chris Brown also hasn't hurt him either...

Leona Lewis

She's beautiful, she can sing and she never gets photographed without her panties on. She is one of the few credible singers to come out of reality singing competitions and even more impressive is that she has the talent and enough backing to make the illusive trans Atlantic crossover to the billboard charts. Her appearance at the Beijing Closing Ceremony and no doubt a performance on the Oscars stage with her Avatar theme song I See You is quickly making Leona Britains greatest musical export. There is a worry that she is getting stuck in Mariah early nineties territory where she is being pigeon holed into only singing ballads, but once she is given the opportunity to break free and create some more current and up beat music, the world will embrace her more than they already have and she can cement herself up there with the best.

In a new age where celebrity is achieved by putting leaches down your pants and you are considered 'out' just as quickly as you were considered 'in' does the new generation even have the stamina or the talent to really ever make it to icon status or will they always just be chasing the voices that have come to define the very meaning of music? At the end of the day, let's all hope that people haven't become completely impervious to talent and that will eventually define and solidify the new royal court of musical artists.

It's hard to imagine a world without Michael, true musical legends are few and far between and with only a hand full left and the industry changing so rapidly, it's difficult to believe that anyone will really ever be able to fill their shoes.

Perhaps the lack of need for political monarchies is being mirrored in the entertainment industry too. They may just be something of the past and while we respect and are in awe of their contributions, don't need anymore. But as long as the likes of Mariah, U2, Whitney, Beyonce, Justin and alike are all still around and making music and while Michael Jackson still has some posthumous tricks up his sleeve... let's enjoy it while it lasts... long live the king... long live the queen...

Who wants to live forever... forever is our today... who waits forever anyway?
- Queen "Who Wants To Live Forever"

Friday 8 January 2010

Best Dressed of the Noughties...

When looking back at a whole decade of celebrities and fashion, it's very hard to sift through all of it to really come up with the noughties best dressed people. It's made even harder when fashion is constantly changing and YOUR tastes in fashion are constantly changing, even retrospectively your taste is going to be altered due to the changes that are to come in the future.

BUT... right here and right now as we say goodbye to the decade where many of us found our feet on our own personal fashion catwalks and say hello to the limitless possibilities that the teenies are going to offer, these are the people who definitely deserve a shout out during the decade of fashion diversity...

10. Halle Berry

OK ok... so generally I am not a huge fan of Halle's attire but let's face it, despite no one remembering the movie Monster's Ball, everyone remembers this dress, which is hands down one of, if not the best Oscars dress ever. The statue did little to stamp Halle's authority as a leading lady, but this dress definitely put her and designer Elie Saab on the map.

9. The Olsen Twins

The often over layered and eating disorder prone billionaire twins have definitely got some hardcore style going on. They're quick to pick up on trends and yes even set them every now and then. No, I can't tell which is which but they find themselves in my top ten for all the burgers they didn't eat and for how many people they have influenced fashion wise around the world.

8. Heath Ledger

Heath Ledger was definitely one of the unsung heroes of male fashion. He epitomised the 'hot Hollywood star who just rolled out of bed' look long before scruffy became chic. His red carpet moments always managed to incorporate classic with cutting edge quirkiness which further complemented his casual moments. Heath wont be remembered for his fashion moments, his credibility as a very talented actor will always come first, as it should... but like I said, he's an unsung fashionisto, and I'd like to dedicate this song to him.

7. Heidi Klum

In a decade where supermodels were few and far between, Heidi stands out as a woman who made few mistakes. This is a very big achievement considering she also spent the later half of the decade almost always pregnant and still looking stunning. She really cemented herself in the fashion steaks when she became host of Bravo's hit reality show Project Runway. She also continued to up the anti in later seasons where she actually started forming strong opinions which made us realise she actually really knows what she is talking about. No auf wiedersehen's for you Heidi, you can stay as long as you want.

6. Nicole Ritchi

Nicole has spent the last four or five years amongst the top of almost every ones best dressed lists and with very good reason. The girl has been photographed in some of the most amazing ensembles not only at events but also just buying groceries and hanging out with her baby. BUT... let us not forget that before Rachel Zoe got her hands on this girl she just used to be the fat trash bag who followed around Paris Hilton all the time. She had to be taught how to dress well and while I'm sure after all these years it is now second nature to her, it is for the afore mentioned reason that she sits at number six and not a bit higher. Number six is great though, you've come a long long way baby.

5. Justin Timberlake

This man is almost solely responsible for changing the way men dress around the world. He reintroduced us to the waistcoat and skinny tie (something I will always appreciate him for) and has really inspired many men out there to change their boring ways and to try new things. Justin told guys to do away with just the boring shirt and jeans and made them brave enough to accessorise and layer and express themselves without being (gasp) gay. Mr. Timberlake, I take my fedora off to you... thank you for your contribution and for me seeing a better dressed every day man everywhere.

4. Sarah Jessica Parker

The first thing that needs to be pointed out is Sarah Jessica Parker sits at number four on this list, not Carrie Bradshaw. Sarah has a style all her own, and while it is a case of life imitating art, as the girl really came into her own fashion wise with the exposure of Sex and the City. The most exciting thing about Sarah is that at 44 years old her style is continuing to transform and she is effortlessly moving into a new age bracket and not losing any dignity in doing so (Madonna is still yet to figure this out, even with her 140th birthday looming!) Once again, Sarah is so high on this list because of her influence to fashion. The role that made her famous along with the fact that she really isn't the prettiest girl in the world has made her so accessible to so many people, therefore influencing so many woman and fortunately she has cutting edge style which means the world is definitely a better looking place... no matter what city your in.

3. Gwen Stefani

Gwen was soooooo very very close to being number one on my list. The fact that she has bleached all the pigment out of her hair every four weeks for the last fourteen years and still has any should get her on the list alone. There is not a style genre that this woman doesn't look good in. She is one of the very few who can pull off all of her eclectic tastes depending on whatever whim she is on. She goes from high glamor to forties fun to hardcore edge with ease and never looks like she is playing dress ups (take note one Miss GaGa!). Gwen, your schizophrenia when it comes to fashion has been a breath of fresh air for a very long time... keep it coming.

2. David Beckham

David Beckham is the be all and end all of male style. What makes him even more exciting is that he isn't the product of the movie or music industry, he is a sports star who really figured it out for himself. He is also someone who really gained credibility off his own back, he isn't a self appointed fashion guru like his often over the top wife, he is someone who did his own thing long before he became Mr. Spice and he continues to hold his own and outshine not only his spouse, but almost anyone, male or female. While you come in second on this particular list Mr. Beckham, find solace in the fact that your unique, masculine, classic and inspirational style makes you the best dressed male in the world.

1. Kate Moss

Kate has possibly been the most defining female figure in the fashion industry since the nineties. She has modelled for almost every major fashion label and still pulls in more than nine million a year making her one of the most successful supermodels of all time. She pioneered Heroine Chic and reinvented the High Street. The most painful thing about her as well, is that she never once looks like she is trying... and that is what style is really all about.

So there you go... the noughties are over and yes, it was an amazing decade full of highs and lows. The decade itself struggled in it's early years to find its identity but in the end, that is what has defined it. There has been no particular look that really encapsulates the last ten years. More than any other decade it borrowed from the past, sought inspiration from the future and meshed them together to create a present that really allowed people to express themselves any way they deemed fit without being judged... well... who am I kidding? We all judged... but that's another common thing about fashion that makes it so much fun... everyone has an opinion!

Fashion, turn to the left, fashion, turn to the right... oooooh... fashion!
- David Bowie "Fashion"

Thursday 7 January 2010

Avatar vs Titanic

So, the question is... will James Cameron's new epic sci-fi flick Avatar manage to sink his current domestic and world wide record holder Titanic and go on to become the most succesful film of all time?

It seems that most of the information currently being relayed around the world is that, yes, Avatar is on a very steady road to becoming the most successful film of all time with an already astounding $1.1 billion world wide haul after only twenty days in release.

Titanic pulled in $1.8 billion in 1997 over a period of almost nine months in theaters world wide.

So that question is easily answered, in a time of inflated 3D and IMAX ticket prices (I paid £22.50 for my Avatar 3D IMAX experience) Avatar will go on to become the most financially successful movie of all time... but let us ponder another question...

Is Avatar actually a better film than Titanic?
Oooooo? Aaaaaaah?

This is really going to be an ongoing debate for a very long time and there will never be a concrete answer because once again it ultimately comes down to personal taste. When comparing the two epic films though (which ARE actually comparable) some pretty hefty conclusions can be drawn.

As far as what each film did for cinema in their respective centuries, they both come up equal. James Cameron created a perfect simulation of the early twentieth century with ground breaking special effects and direction and has created an equally imaginitive and awe inspiring future doing exactly the same thing.

When it comes to storyline and script Avatar is certainly not a film that is being pushed by these important components. Though, in its defense if the storyline were anymore difficult or the script too wordy then there could be the possibility of there being TOO much to absorb throughout the film. Titanic was a movie driven by a beautiful love story of an epic true event. Let's face it, we all knew the ship was going down but it was the story of how it happened and who it effected, both fictional and historically, that kept a world glued to its cinema seats for 3 hours and 14 minutes.

Titanic recieved two Oscar nominations for its acting efforts. The Academy recognised Kate Winslet and Gloria Stewert for their portayal or Rose DeWitt Bukater/Dawson and recieved much flack for leaving Leonardo DiCaprio off the list. This film also turned lovers into superstars. Sam Worthington and Zoe Saldana shall not be blessed with the same fate. Worthington struggles throughout the movie not only with connecting to the material but also with a basic broad American accent. This doesn't make him any less likable, but he wont be remembered as the star that 'made' the film. Saldana, whilst her performance is captivating, there's too much grey area as to how much of it is really her and how much the motion capture missed or added. We never actually see the actress as human and let's face it, we saw her human acting in films like Centre Stage and Crossroads and while she did earn a small reprieve in Star Trek, she may continue to be a reasonable player in big movies but she'll never be a draw card.

It is quite safe to say that both movies are outstanding, the only real thing that can be agreed on is that James Cameron continues to be a person who can captivate the world in so many different genres. Science fiction, action, romance... he manages to deconstruct all of these genres down to their basic human elements and weave them into backdrops of such epic and dramatic proportions.

Maybe the real question isn't which movie will ever be able to top either of these two... but should be who will ever be able to top James Cameron?

Things that make you go hmmm...
- C+C Music Factory "Things That Make You Go Hmmm..."