Tuesday 29 September 2009

An introduction...

So... this is weird... my first blog...

Here's the 411 on me...

I'm in my 20's, I'm a performer and stylist and have just moved to London from Sydney.

Basically I have a lot of opinions, about almost everything. So, hopefully this blog can become a bit of a venting medium for things I am interested in...

I also want this to just kind of be a record of my life, not so much the past... but more of a from here on in thing. A bit of a scrap book of my life I guess...

Hopefully I can look back on these blogs one day (if I actually keep up with this) and feel I contributed in some way.


Betcha Gon' Know how this feels... even if it's the last thing that I ever do... to be continued...
- Mariah Carey "Betcha Gon' Know"